Sunday 3 May 2009

Summer already?

I've been reading the rockstar diaries this week, and people have been sending Taza a list of 10 things that make them happy, so I've written my own:

10 things that make me truly happy.

1. Drying clothes on the line in summer - all crispy and fresh.
2. Listening to a song I've not heard in years/can't get out of my head.
3. When I've made the yummiest scrambled egg on toast ever.
4. Scenes in the Gilmore Girls that make my tummy flip.
5. When Boyfriend is a wise 23 year old.
6. Getting all dolled up.
7. Waking up before my alarm.
8. Nutrigrain Elevenses.
9. Family Trips and shindigs.
10. Roadtrips with compilation CDs.

Today's been fabulous. I didn't get dressed until about 6pm, and watched Iron Man and 100 Greatest Musicals (up to 40). The sun's been shinding so I got a mass load of washing done and feel so much better for it. My room's all tidy and I'm halfway through 'Catcher in the Rye'.

Shame I've not done anything I was supposed to have done, like the humungous pile of revision and work I have for this week.... Oh well, bank holiday tomorrow! Whoo!


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